PRTG MAP Objects

Let us create custom map objects for your needs

In order to make more meaningful dashboards, creating custom map objects is absolutely key. UTM has a whole tool belt of objects that we have built over time. Each client has unique requirements, and we are always up for the challenge to create new and exciting PRTG map objects to make your dashboards come alive and make sure you are on top of your environment.


To get you started, here are some popular custom map objects we have created for you to download.

OK, Warning, Down & Pause

Display a clear message that is dynamic in your high level management dashboards.  Drop a sensor, device or group to get the overall status “OK“, “Warning“, “Down” or “Pause”  


Status Background

Make your dashboard pop with status background. Drop a sensor, device or group to get the overall status “OK“, “Warning“, “Down” or “Pause” as a background that you can overlay with other objects. This object can be stretched as large or small as you need it.

Sensor Name Status Colour with Graph

Get a better visual clarity on your sensors with a status color. Here we have selected to keep an UP status as normal font, i.e not green, and provide a clear visual difference when there is a warning, down or a paused status.